Signage and Wayfinding
Terms & Conditions

Signage and Wayfinding
Terms & Conditions

This policy aims to set a uniform, effective, and aesthetic wayfinding and signage standard for the shared workspace managed by WorkHive Ltd. Ensuring clear navigation and promoting a professional environment is of utmost importance.


This policy applies to all tenants occupying space in the shared workspace provided by WorkHive Ltd

  1. Signage Privileges & Charges:

a. Building Wayfinding Signs:

Tenants can opt to be featured on the building's wayfinding signs, which are placed throughout the property to facilitate navigation.

  • Charge: £350 annually.

  • This fee also grants the tenant the right to display a sign outside of their office in a designated approved area.

  • All signs must adhere to the design and aesthetic standards laid out by WorkHive Ltd.

b. Exterior Building Signboard:

Outside the main entrance, a shared signboard is present. Tenants can choose to be highlighted on this signboard.

  • Charge: £500 annually.

  • This fee is separate from the wayfinding signs fee. However, tenants can combine both services if desired.

  1. Payment Terms

Signage fees must be paid in full on an annual basis unless another arrangement is made between WorkHive Ltd. and the individual tenant. Non-payment or delayed payment can result in the tenant’s signage being removed or not installed.

  1. Design, Aesthetic & Size Guidelines:

All signage should:

  • Echo the tenant’s branding whilst following a standard size, font, and design aesthetic as prescribed by WorkHive Ltd.

  • Be crafted from materials that are long-lasting, visually pleasing, and appropriate for the chosen location.

  • Not block pathways, doorways, or any emergency exits

  1. Size Limitations:

a. Single Door Entry Offices: Signs for offices with a single point of entry or one door must not exceed 300mm x 200mm.

b. Double Door Entry Offices: Tenants with a double door entry can choose between:

  • A single sign no larger than 600mm x 400mm.

  • Two distinct signs, each no larger than 300mm x 200mm.

  1. Unauthorised Display:

No sign, logo, or any form of display can be erected outside of a tenant's office without prior approval from WorkHive Ltd. Any unauthorised displays may be taken down without prior notice.

  1. Application & Approval Process:

a. Tenants keen on the signage service must submit an official application to WorkHive Ltd. management.
b. After the application's receipt, WorkHive Ltd. will provide specific design and aesthetic guidelines.
c. Tenants are then required to present their sign design for approval.
d. Upon approval, tenants will be billed based on their selected signage service.

  1. Termination & Changes:

WorkHive Ltd. holds the right to amend, alter, or terminate this policy or any of its provisions. Any changes that might affect existing financial agreements will be shared with the tenants, providing at least one month's notice.

8. Agreement:

By choosing the signage service, the tenant enters a binding agreement with WorkHive Ltd., committing to follow this policy and its terms and conditions.

This policy aims to set a uniform, effective, and aesthetic wayfinding and signage standard for the shared workspace managed by WorkHive Ltd. Ensuring clear navigation and promoting a professional environment is of utmost importance.

1. Scope:

This policy applies to all tenants occupying space in the shared workspace provided by WorkHive Ltd

  1. Signage Privileges & Charges:

a. Building Wayfinding Signs:

Tenants can opt to be featured on the building's wayfinding signs, which are placed throughout the property to facilitate navigation.

  • Charge: £350 annually.

  • This fee also grants the tenant the right to display a sign outside of their office in a designated approved area.

  • All signs must adhere to the design and aesthetic standards laid out by WorkHive Ltd.

b. Exterior Building Signboard:

Outside the main entrance, a shared signboard is present. Tenants can choose to be highlighted on this signboard.

  • Charge: £500 annually.

  • This fee is separate from the wayfinding signs fee. However, tenants can combine both services if desired.

  1. Payment Terms

Signage fees must be paid in full on an annual basis unless another arrangement is made between WorkHive Ltd. and the individual tenant. Non-payment or delayed payment can result in the tenant’s signage being removed or not installed.

  1. Design, Aesthetic & Size Guidelines:

All signage should:

  • Echo the tenant’s branding whilst following a standard size, font, and design aesthetic as prescribed by WorkHive Ltd.

  • Be crafted from materials that are long-lasting, visually pleasing, and appropriate for the chosen location.

  • Not block pathways, doorways, or any emergency exits

  1. Size Limitations:

a. Single Door Entry Offices: Signs for offices with a single point of entry or one door must not exceed 300mm x 200mm.

b. Double Door Entry Offices: Tenants with a double door entry can choose between:

  • A single sign no larger than 600mm x 400mm.

  • Two distinct signs, each no larger than 300mm x 200mm.

  1. Unauthorised Display:

No sign, logo, or any form of display can be erected outside of a tenant's office without prior approval from WorkHive Ltd. Any unauthorised displays may be taken down without prior notice.

  1. Application & Approval Process:

a. Tenants keen on the signage service must submit an official application to WorkHive Ltd. management.
b. After the application's receipt, WorkHive Ltd. will provide specific design and aesthetic guidelines.
c. Tenants are then required to present their sign design for approval.
d. Upon approval, tenants will be billed based on their selected signage service.

  1. Termination & Changes:

WorkHive Ltd. holds the right to amend, alter, or terminate this policy or any of its provisions. Any changes that might affect existing financial agreements will be shared with the tenants, providing at least one month's notice.

9. Agreement:

By choosing the signage service, the tenant enters a binding agreement with WorkHive Ltd., committing to follow this policy and its terms and conditions.